Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh, just stop it.

Dear Republicans:

Please stop pretending you're still in power.

Dear Democrats:

Please stop pretending they're still in power.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fairness Doctrine

I am against bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. The people arguing for it say that there need to be voices countering the Massive Right-Wing Talk Radio blah blah blah. Here's the thing: WHICH opposing viewpoint do the folks in favor of the Fairness Doctrine want represented? The "Liberals?" Which ones? Greens? ACLU? NAACP? American Communist Party?

There aren't two viewpoints which need to be represented; there are HUNDREDS. The "Fairness" doctrine is damned near as exclusionary as having nothing in place at all. Will "Fairness" apply to neo-Nazis? Pedophiles? PETA? The NRA?

I'm not saying any of them are more "right" than any other... but in trying to represent all viewpoints there are going to be big, big problems. Politics is perception, and there are too many damned angles of perception to legislate "fairness" for them.