Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fark quote

From Confabulat on Fark.com:
Good Republican Christians know there's "good science" and "bad science."

"Good science" is the stuff that makes life easier, like electricity, high-speed internet, leaf blowers, SUVs, satellite TV, and hairspray (judging from these pictures, anyway).

"Bad science" is the stuff that makes life worrisome, like evolution, climatology, geology, and ecology.

The value of the scientific method, to these individuals, only depends on whether it is capable of making them lazier and duller. If a scientific theory fails on those two levels, it is hated and rejected, in favor of fairy tales that allow dullness.

Much easier to deal with.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Jesus was a pussy.

Ok. So. Jesus was tortured, then crucified, and hung there in extreme pain and misery for three days because his Father loved us so much He was willing to give up His son (in extreme pain and misery) to save us from our sins, right?

And the point is both that God gave up His son, suffering mightily, and Jesus was crucified, suffering mightily, and that through these acts they have purged the world and offered everlasting life, right?


1. God gives up His son. Well, God is omniscient and omnipotent. He is the Alpha and the Omega, after all. And he already knows that Jesus is a Good Guy, so he'll end up in Heaven with ease. How, exactly, is God "giving up" his son when as soon as J-Man dies, he'll be there with him? Isn't it more like having Jesus catch an earlier bus home?

2. Jesus suffers. His suffering is, from what I gather, integral in this whole "washing mankind clean of its sins" thing. So I've been wondering: there are people dying slowly in agony all over the planet by the thousands due to torture, disease, abuse ... for whose sins are THEY dying? If you think about it, there have been women in Sierra Leone and Darfur who were basically raped to death over a period of weeks. I kind of think that's worse than a quick 3-day crucifixion. Why doesn't their suffering count toward the sins of all mankind?

3. Hey, how about those aforementioned death-by-repeated-violation women - a whole lot of them had children. How is the death of a single man with no dependents for political reasons over three days somehow more laudable and noteworthy than the death of a woman with children for TANGENTIAL political reasons over a period of months?

4. Those are only examples. How about political dissidents in countries like China and Iran who are tortured for months and then executed? And more. And more.

Three lousy days, guaranteed to see your Dad when you're done? FUCK you. That's not suffering. That's a fucking picnic. With fire ants, but a picnic.