Friday, August 17, 2007

The economy's FINE!

Found on Fark, this article makes me want to scream. It sums up everything about why this supposedly BOOMING Bush economy really doesn't mean dick to those of us who are normal* people just living our day-to-day lives. There are a LOT of us who don't have much savings and who can't put much - if any - away. We don't invest in the market. The fluctuations of this, that and the other don't do anything much to our lifestyle. Gigantic profits on the S&P Index don't really do much to us.

Grocery prices do.

A gallon of milk is up to $4.50 here. That's $1.50 from about a year, year-and-a-half ago. 4 (minimum) gallons a week @+1.50... $24/month just in milk, EXTRA. Ethanol isn't the answer either, you assclowns.


* Demographically speaking

My Love/Hate Relationship

Chris Matthews is often a complete douchebag, but every so often he makes me have to adore him just the tiniest, dirtiest, nastiest little bit. Watch the clip here.

"Good question, Dick."

Monday, August 6, 2007

Aww, poor toasty politicians.

You know, Congress, the Legislative branch is not an elementary school classroom. I understand that most of you have all the emotional maturity of Flick* in "A Christmas Story," but it really, really isn't. The President isn't your teacher. He's not in authority over y'all - or at least, no more than Y'ALL are over HIM.

In elementary school, the teacher says, "Finish your classwork or you don't get to go out for recess," and the kids whine and groan and finish... because what kid wants to miss recess?

In the LEGISLATURE, the President says, "Pass these bills or you can't leave," and the kids whine and groan and... DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS BY VETTING EVERYTHING AND DEMANDING THEIR CONSTITUTIONALLY EQUAL SAY IN WHAT GETS PASSED. What they do NOT do is say "fuck it" and hammer everything through so they can start their vacations on time.

You know WHY? Because they're supposedly FUCKING GROWNUPS, that's why.

* Kid's far more honest than y'all ... he went on to do porn. You know what you're getting with porn, by god.

Texas legislature sucks.

Yeah, ok, there's no reason to be LOUD and OBNOXIOUS about being atheist because in this day and age there's no discrimination, right? RIGHT?
"Personally, I felt like the Texas pledge had a big old hole in it, and it occurred to me, 'You know what? We need to fix that,' " said Riddle, R-Tomball. "Our Texas pledge is perfectly OK like it is with the exception of acknowledging that just as we are one nation under God, we are one state under God as well."

By law, students who object to saying the pledge or making the reference to God can bring a written note from home excusing them from participating.
And I'm sure none of those kids will be made to feel the slightest bit of stigma from other kids who think it's just dandy that in two-thousand-fucking-seven their state government put acknowledgement - and dominion - of their particular cotton-candy sky-fairy in the fucking state Pledge of Allegiance.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Well, the Senate voted on the FISA extension yesterday, and they fucking folded, and we know all that, but I went to the Senate site and even though it says
Results of roll call votes are published here approximately an hour after they have been announced.
...there is nothing there about the vote yet. I want to know if I have to write any Strongly Worded Letters to my reps. I'm pretty sure I have to send at least one...ARGH.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Virginia is for DANGEROUS DRIVERS!

Hey, a Henrico district judge (that's where I live, yay!) struck down Virginia's tax-tickets (up to $3000 extra fine for Virginia citizens) as violating equal protection under the law. As he said, there's no difference between a 'dangerous' Virginia driver and a 'dangerous' out-of-state driver, so they can't have vastly different judgements for the same crime.

Right, so, maybe now that there's SOME logic being thrown around, we can get to where drug dealers are serving LESS time than murderers and rapists?

"I'm not a feminist!"

You know what, lady? FUCK you if you have your own newspaper column/radio show and you say "feminism never did anything for [you]." Fuck you sideways, and you don't get an abortion, either. NOT YOURS.

No, no one in particular.


Watched this set of "Paula Zahn Now" clips on I have a sick sense of humor, and found it hilarious that Doug "Ibrahim" Hooper said he was not neither defensive!! - And then tried to shout down Christopher "Fuck You" Hitchens every time he spoke.

Sure, bubbeh. You're not defensive.